Publication: Lonely Planet Traveller Magazine
Edition: September 2015
Scale and positioning: Half page, bottom of page 20
Subject: Registan Ensemble with passing women in cultural dress, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Date taken: August 9th 2014
Device: Sony Cybershot DSC-WX300
My writing published: "The Registan Ensemble was the main reason we were drawn to travel around Central Asia in the first place. I have been to many countries and rarely does my mouth drop open. The Registan was an exception. The mosaic fascias, and turquoise and azure blues of the domes lit up by the sun were just breathtaking. For a moment I completely forgot about the searing heat and my food poisoning - this was one of the most stunning sights I have ever seen."
Travelling brings you face to face with so many sights - some bordering on the sublime and others which, in their own way, manage to perfectly encapsulate a sense of place. Having taken thousands of photographs across many countries and continents, the question is what do I actually do with them next? To have them sat on a hard drive at home unseen by the world is a wasted opportunity - especially when I spent so much time composing them. The obvious answer is to share. Like myself, many travellers take to social media to share their snaps. Others, like myself, choose to set up an independent travel website or blog as a way of getting their photography out there. On two occasions now I have been successful in getting my photography out into the world using more traditional methods: the printed travel magazine.
I'm not a professional photographer nor do I travel with fancy camera equipment, preferring to opt for a small, compact camera which is both discreet and practical: for me a camera's ability to be quickly shoved-in and yanked-out-of my pocket is an essential requirement. I have never read my camera's manual to take advantage of its advanced functions and often have my camera on the automatic adjustment mode letting it do the work instead of me. With all this in mind I am especially happy to have had my photographs published in an edition of a respected travel magazine available in eleven countries around the world - the resultof which you see below. The opportunity to write a small description for each was an added bonus.